

Bounce Back

Are you struggling to shift weight despite having a healthy lifestyle?

Sometimes we get so caught up 'doing life' we lose ourselves a little and end up feeling.

  • Trapped in a body we don't love anymore

  • Thinking its all down hill from here

  • Diet and exercise just doesn't work anymore

  • Feeling like you've let yourself go

  • Uncomfortable in everything you wear!

... and before you know it, you've slipped into a war with yourself.

This is why we created The 6 Week Bounce Back

To have you in a body you love without the stress of adding a full-time gym schedule to your to-do list

Have you back in control of your body (no more hormonal weight gain)

Get you feeling happy and confident again, enjoying the little things in life instead of worrying how you look all the time (YES even those family photos)

  • This accelerated program for women 35 years above combines two of the most powerful body shaping technologies to melt stubborn fat and achieve muscle definition faster than ever before.

    By activating your body's lymphatic drainage system, our treatments accelerate your results so you can see a slimmer, more toned you in just 4-5 weeks. This is the fastest route to trimming persistent fat on your abdomen, banana rolls, love handles, muffin tops and more!

  • Using medical grade technology to focus on targeted areas of the body, permanently reducing fat cells (Fat Melting), Skin Tightening, Speeding up body functions and metabolism, Body Sculpting with EMS to burn fat and build muscle tone

    1-2 hours appointment per week, for 6 weeks.

  • ☑️Within the first 14 days, the powerful combination of our fat melting technology and muscle sculpting technology gets to work contouring and toning your body.

    ☑️After 3 treatments, you'll notice: Smoother, tighter skin texture, firmer and improved muscle tone and an increase in energy and metabolism.

    ☑️ After 4 weeks, continued lifting, sculpting, skin tightening and smoothing. Every 2 weeks reveals a newer, fitter, slimmer you!

    ☑️On your 6th week, you'll get slimmer beach body physique, toned and tightened trouble spots, flattened stomach, transformed body shape.

    We also provide:

    ⚫Diet and supplement recommendations specifically designed for hormonal issues.

    ⚫Check in on diet and lifestyle adjustments.

    ⚫Reassess at end of 6 weeks. Create plan for continued progress.

Love the body your in again – in 3 simple steps


Schedule your free consultation


Receive your Bounce Back plan


Start your treatments – and improve your body!

You will have 1:1 support throughout your entire transformation

Let us guide you on your journey to feeling comfortable and beautiful in your own skin